ladies clothes Bass Fishing - Why Has It Become So Popular?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bass Fishing - Why Has It Become So Popular?
More and more people these days of all age groups and circles are starting to become aware of the attractions that bass fishing offers. Bass fishing doesn\'t exactly get the type of attention and coverage that other sports get. Rarely will you ever see any headline news about anything fishing related, whether it be television or any other type of media. It takes more than looking at bass fishing infomercials to comprehend why bass fishing is now the number one freshwater sport today in America.

Substantial Growth

In comparison to the other types of fishing, you might be surprised to learn that the popularity of bass fishing has increased by 70%. Moreover, in the last twenty five years the bass fishing business has grown by leaps and bounds, going from a million dollar to a bordering five billion dollar industry. Each year, the business still continues to grow.

These figures might cause one to wonder what all the excitement is about with bass fishing that has lead to this amount of growth in such as short period of time. The amount of media coverage is increasing, as tournaments are sometimes televised. Also, many are using it as a means for vacationing, especially with Florida being one of the hot spots. The creation of the associations such as Bass Anglers Sportsman Society (BASS) helped increase the popularity as well.

This is a sport that doesn\'t require a lot of equipment or experience to do for fun. Also, it doesn\'t need a certain amount of people to participate in, like team sports for instance. One can go out of his or her own if desired. Also, the cost of the equipment is not too expensive, opening the door for just about anyone regardless of income level to get involved.

Spending Time With Others

Fishing also allows families to get the opportunity to spend more time with one another. You can create special memories with your loved ones by sharing these joyful times together. This will certainly bring your family closer.

One of the new slogans that is making the rounds is \'Get kids hooked on fishing, not drugs\'. This is actually a program for kids that helps them develop life skills. If you are a father, fishing is a great chance to spend time with your son and keep him away from any possible negative influences, such as drugs. Plus, there is nothing like being outdoors on a beautiful summer day catching fish.

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